李彭(Li Peng)


  • 污水的生物脱氮技术

  • 水环境中抗生素及抗生素抗性基因(ARGs)的存在特征与去除机理
  • 水质的光谱学在线监测方法与设备


2023/01至今,bat365中文官方网站  bat365中文官方网站  副研究员

2016/08-2022/12,bat365中文官方网站  bat365中文官方网站  助理研究员

2014/01-2016/07,清华大学  市政工程  博士后

2009/09-2014/01,清华大学  环境科学与工程  博士

2004/09-2007/03,北京航空航天大学  环境工程  硕士

2000/09-2004/07,北京航空航天大学  环境工程  本科


  • Peng Li*, Lingqian Dong, Han Jin, Jingren Yang, Yonghui Tu, Chao Wang, Yiliang He. 2022. Fluorescence detection of phosphate in an aqueous environment by an aluminum-based metal-organic framework with amido functionalized ligands. Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering. 16(12):159.

  • Yu Xie, Pengbo Wang, Peng Li*, Yiliang He. 2022. Co-degradation of ofloxacin and its impact on solid phase

    denitrification with polycaprolactone as carbon source. Bioresource Technology. 350, 126938.

  • Yuansheng Huang, Lizhou Wu, Peng Li*, Nanke Li, Yiliang He*. 2022. What’s the cost-effective pattern for rural wastewater treatment? Journal of Environmental Management. 303, 114226.

  • Yuansheng Huang, Peng Li*, Han Li, Bo zhang, Yiliang He*. 2021. To centralize or to decentralize? A systematic framework for optimizing rural wastewater treatment planning. Journal of Environmental Management. 300, 113673.

  • Peng Li, Yunfei Wu, Yiliang He*, Bo Zhang, Yuansheng Huang, Qiyi Yuan, Yihan Chen. 2020. Occurrence and fate of antibiotic residues and antibiotic resistance genes in a reservoir with ecological purificationfacilities for drinking water sources. Science of the Total Environment. 707, 135276.
  • Peng Li#, Jiangbei Qu#, Yiliang He*, Bo Zhang, Mengke Pei. 2020. Global calibration model of UV-Vis spectroscopy for COD estimation in the effluent of rural sewage treatment facilities. RSC Advances. 10(35),    20691-20700.
  • Yajiao Wang#, Peng Li#, Jiane Zuo*, Yutao Gong, Sike Wang, Xuchuan Shi, Mengyu Zhang. 2018. Inhibition by free nitrous acid (FNA) and the electron competition of nitrite in nitrous oxide (N2O) reduction during hydrogenotrophic denitrification. Chemosphere. 213, 1-10.
  • Peng Li#, Yajiao Wang#, Jiane Zuo*, Rui Wang, Jian Zhao, and Youjie Du. 2017. Nitrogen removal and N2O accumulation during hydrogenotrophic denitrification: influence of environmental factors and Microbial Community Characteristics. Environmental Science & Technology. 51, 870-879.
  • Peng Li, Jiane Zuo, Yajiao Wang, Jian Zhao, Lei Tang, Zaixing Li. 2016. Tertiary nitrogen removal for municipal wastewater using a solid-phase denitrifying biofilter with polycaprolactone as the carbon source and filtration medium. Water Research. 93, 74-83.
  • 周铭睿, 曲江北, 李彭*, 何义亮. 2022. 分散式农村污水基于三维荧光光谱和紫外-可见全波段吸收光谱的“聚类-回归”COD预测模型. 光谱学与光谱分析. 42(7): 2113-2119.
  • 代莎,李彭*,彭五庆,刘玉学,王拯,何义亮,沈根祥,胡双庆. 2020. 抗生素对耐药型反硝化菌反硝化过程及微生物群落结构的影响. 环境科学. 41(3): 1401-1408.
  • 刘圣誉,李彭*,何义亮,邵嘉慧,任龙飞. 2020. 基于人工神经网络的反硝化滤池外碳源投加控制. 中国给水排水. 36(07): 19-25.
  • 于晨晖,李彭*,张浩,樊力纲,李杰,何义亮. 2019. 基于Infoworks ICM模型对污水管网输水能力评价及泵站排水量优化. 净水技术. 38(9): 60-67, 82.



  • 国家重点研发计划项目:“污水生物处理前沿技术研发与示范”项目子课题,“低压纳滤耦合膜电容去离子磷、氮同步回收资源化技术研究”,2021.12-2025.11,子课题负责人
  • 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目:“耐药型反硝化菌对抗生素的共代谢降解与作用机制研究”,2018.01-2020.12,课题负责人
  • 水体污染控制与治理科技重大专项:“太浦河金泽水源地水质安全保障综合示范”子课题,“养殖业新型污染物风险源示踪和抗性基因风险浓度阈值研究”,2017.01-2020.12,子课题负责人
  • 水体污染控制与治理科技重大专项:“嘉兴市水污染协调控制与水源地质量改善项目”子课题,“分散式农村生活污水处理设施低价耐用的多参数水质在线监测设备研究与示范”,2017.01-2020.12,参加
  • bat365中文官方网站“深蓝计划”基金:“面向海水重金属含量检测的集成式电化学微纳传感器研发”,2021.01-2022.12,子课题负责人
  • 中国博士后科学基金:后置反硝化深度脱氮中N2O 的释放机制与削减技术的研究(2014M560982),2014.08-2016.07,主持