楼紫阳(Lou Ziyang)


  1. 生活垃圾填埋场稳定化及二次污染控制;
  2. 危险废物鉴别及源头减量技术;
  3. 生活垃圾温室气体排放与削减方法;
  4. 高浓度废水处理;
  5. 固废管理与循环经济。


2001 年,大连理工大学学士学位;

2001 年-2007 年,同济大学环境工程硕士,博士学位;

2007 年,Technical Univ. of Denmark, LCA;

2010年-2011年,Dresden Technical Univerisity, 洪堡学者。


1. Ke Zhang, Jicui Cui, Yuxiao Zhou, AJY. Chen, Chuang Ouyang, Michael Palocz-Andresen, Ziyang Lou.. GHG emissions reduction patterns from waste sectors after forced source separation [J]. Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 2023, 180: 443-50.

2.      Wang, Hui; Wang, Jing; Zhang, Ruina; Cao, Ruijie; Wang, Zhiping; Zhu, Nanwen; Yuan, Haiping; Lou, Ziyang. Influent disturbance drives microbial assembly pattern and co-occurrence network, linking to the operating performance in full-scale leachate anoxic/aerobic process. ACS ES&T Engineering.  2023, 3, 8, 1147–1158

3.       Qiujie Huang, Changfu Yang, Zhaowen Cheng, Hui Wang, Amin Mojiri, Nanwen Zhu, Xiaoyong Qian, Yilong Shen, Shaolin Wu, Ziyang Lou. Exploring into a light-avoided environment: Mechanical-thermal coupled conditions responsible for the aging behavior of plastic waste in landfills. Water Research. 242, 2023, 120162

4.      Yuxiao Zhou, Jiyang Li, Jicui Cui, Hui Wang, Chuan Wang, Ruina Zhang, Ying Zhu, Nanwen Zhu, Ziyang Lou*. Personal GHG emissions accounting and the driving forces decomposition in the past 10 years. Carbon Neutrality, 2022

5.      Yuxiao Zhou, Yuzhi Hu, A.J.Y Chen, Zhaowen Cheng, Zhujie Bi, Ruina Zhang, Ziyang Lou*. Environmental impacts and nutrient distribution routes for food waste separated disposal on large-scale anaerobic digestion/composting plants. Journal of Environmental Management, 2022, 318: 115624

6.      Yukang Xu, Zikai Fan, Qiujie Huang, Ziyang Lou*, Xiaoyun Xu, Yang Xu, Yilong Shen. Cr migration potential and species properties in the soil profile from a chromate production site in the groundwater depression cone area. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 2022, 109, 600-608

7.      Yanlu Zhao, Zhihang Yuan, Ruina Zhang, Shaolin Wu, Yilong Shen, Luochun Wang, Ziyang Lou*. Carbon sequestration for high-quality sludge-based carbon preparation via K/Na bi-molten salts pyrolysis. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2022, 1-13

8.      Qiujie Huang, Chengxin Lü, Yijun Liu, Huili Chen, Chunnan Liu, Ziyang Lou*, Jian Lin. The typical polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) and heavy metals distributions in a formal e-waste dismantling site. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 2022

9.      Jing Wang, Hui Wang, Ruina Zhang, Wei Liu, Ruijie Cao, Luochun Wang, Ziyang Lou*. Variations of nitrogen-metabolizing enzyme activity and microbial community under typical loading conditions in full-scale leachate anoxic/aerobic system. Bioresource Technology, 2022, 351, 126946

10.   Hui Wang, Yan Xiang, Wei Liu, Jiyang Li, Nanwen Zhu, Ziyang Lou*. Low-molecular-weight dissolved organic nitrogen transformation behavior in concentrated leachate by O3 and •OH: Partition, molecular insight, and potential precursor-product relationship. Journal of Environmental Management, 2022, 324, 116287

11.   Yan Xiang, Hui Wang, Lianghu Su, Ruina Zhang, Ruijie Cao, Luochun Wang, Ziyang Lou*. Molecular transformation and composition flow of dissolved organic matter in four typical concentrated leachates from the multi-stage membrane system. Journal of Environmental Management, 2022, 310: 114759

12.   Zhihang Yuan, Wenchao Ma, Nanwen Zhu, Ying Zhu, Shaolin Wu, Ziyang Lou*. Identifying the fate of nitrogenous species during sewage sludge pyrolysis via in-situ tracing of protein-sludge inherent components interactions. Science of the total environment, 2023, 859, 160437

13.   Zhihang Yuan, Qiujie Huang, Zhuoqin Wang, Hui Wang, Jinming Luo, Nanwen Zhu, Xinde Cao, and Ziyang Lou*. Medium-Low Temperature Conditions Induce the Formation of Environmentally Persistent Free Radicals in Microplastics with Conjugated Aromatic-Ring Structures during Sewage Sludge Pyrolysis. Environmental Science & Technology. 2022. 56, 22, 16209–16220 DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.2c04453

14.   Qiujie Huang, Zhaowen Cheng, Changfu Yang, Hui Wang, Nanwen Zhu, Xinde Cao, Ziyang Lou*. Booming microplastics generation in landfill: an exponential evolution process under temporal pattern. Water Research. 223, 2022, 119035

15.   Yijun Liu#, Zhaowen Cheng#, AJ Y. Chen, Yong Geng, Ke Zhang, Nanwen Zhu, Martin Skitmore, Bofeng Cai*, Xiaoling Zhang*, Ziyang Lou*. Big Disparities of CH4 Emission Patterns from Landfills Between United States and China and Their Behind Driving Forces. Fundamental Research 2022. 10.1016/j.fmre.2022.08.006

16.   Yuan, Z., Zhou, Z., Luo, J., Yuan, H., Zhu, N., Lou, Z*. Quantifying the thermochemical pathways of soluble organics in sewage sludge flocs during pyrolysis for precursor optimization and by-product control. Chemical Engineering Journal 2022, 444, 136627

17.   Yuan, Z., Luo, J., Ndudi, E. A., Ma, W., Zhu, N., Lou, Z*. Systematic understanding of char-volatile evolution and interaction mechanism during sewage sludge pyrolysis through in-situ tracking solid-state reaction and products fate. Journal of Hazardous Materials 2022, 432, 128669

18. Sun Zhiyi, Ma Jun, Liu Yijun, Wang Hui, Cao Weihua, Zhu Nanwen, Lou Ziyang*. Mineralization of refractory organics in oil refinery wastewater by the catalytic ozonation with magnetic praseodymium-catalysts: Catalytic performances and mechanisms. Separation and Purification Technology. 277, 2021, 119506

19.   Wang Yiping, Wei Wendong, Bi Zhujie, Cao Ruijie, Li Jiyang, Shu Di, Lou Ziyang*. Decomposing the decoupling of plastics consumption and economic growth in G7 and China: Evidence from 2001 to 2020 based on China's import ban. Journal of Environmental Management. 296,2021,113225

20.   Kunyu Jiang, Zhaowen Cheng, Ziyang Lou*, Luochun Wang*, HailinLu, BijunXu, Ningben Jin. Chemical and olfactive impacts of organic matters on odor emission patterns from the simulated construction and demolition waste landfills. Journal of Environmental Sciences. 103, 2021,196-206

21.   Hongying Lv, Luochun Wang, Guizhen Liu*, Ziyang Lou*, Lingyun Pang, Bofeng Cai, Qi Li. Risk assessment on the CCUS project using risk breakdown structure methodology: A case study on Jilin oilfield CO2-EOR Hei-79 block. Greenhouse Gases: Science and Technology. 2021

22.   Wei Li, Zhihang Yuan, Xiaoliang Chen, Hui Wang, Luochun Wang, Ziyang Lou*. Green refuse derived fuel preparation and combustion performance from the solid residues to build the zero-waste city. Energy. 225, 2021,120252

23.   Yijun Liu, Siqin Chen, A.J. Y. Chen, Ziyang Lou*. Variations of GHG emission patterns from waste disposal processes in megacity Shanghai from 2005 to 2015. Journal of Cleaner Production. 295, 2021, 126338

24.   Zhiyi Sun, Yuxiang Wang, Xiaoliang Chen, Nanwen Zhu, Haiping Yuan, Ziyang Lou*. Variation of dissolved organic matter during excess sludge reduction in microbubble ozonation system. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 28, 2021, 6090-6098

25.   Kaiyan Yang, Zhiyi Sun, Luochun Wang*, Ziyang Lou*. Decomposition of oil refinery sludge using E+-Ozonation process for carbon source releasing and TPH removal. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 28, 2021, 26913-26922

26.   Zhihang Yuan, Yaoya Shen, Haiping Yuan, Aimin Sui, Nanwen Zhu, Ziyang Lou*. A collaborative approach to in-situ oxysulfides and oxynitrides fixation in flue gas and energy recycling: Co-combustion of spent bleaching earth and coal. Journal of Cleaner Production. 258, 2020, 120622

27.   Hui Wang, Zhaowen Cheng, Nanwen Zhu, Haiping Yuan, Ziyang Lou*, Peter Otieno, Wei Li. pH-dependent norfloxacin degradation by E+-ozonation: Radical reactivities and intermediates identification. Journal of Cleaner Production. 265, 2020.121722

28.   Hui Wang, Zhaowen Cheng, Zhiyi Sun, Nanwen Zhu, Haiping Yuan, Ziyang Lou*, Xiaoliang Chen. Molecular insight into variations of dissolved organic matters in leachates along China’s largest A/O-MBR-NF process to improve the removal efficiency. Chemosphere. 243, 2020, 125354

29.   Hui Wang, Zhaowen Cheng, Haiping Yuan, Nanwen Zhu, Ziyang Lou*, Peter Otieno. Occurrence of banned and commonly used pesticide residues in concentrated leachate: Implications for ecological risk assessment. Science of The Total Environment. 710, 2020, 136287.

30.   Hui Wang, Dongdong Ge, Zhaowen Cheng, Nanwen Zhu, Haiping Yuan, Ziyang Lou*. Improved understanding of dissolved organic matter transformation in concentrated leachate induced by hydroxyl radicals and reactive chlorine species. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 387, 2020, 121702

31.   Zhaowen Cheng, Shijie Zhu, Xiaoliang Chen, Louchun Wang, Ziyang Lou*, Lili Feng. Variations and environmental impacts of odor emissions along the waste stream. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 384, 2020, 120912

32.   Sun Zhiyi, Chen Xiaoliang, Yang Kaiyan, Zhu Nanwen, Lou Ziyang*. The progressive steps for TPH stripping and the decomposition of oil refinery sludge using microbubble ozonation. Science of the Total Environment. 712, 2020, 135631.

33.   Zhaowen Cheng, Zhongtao Sun, Shijie Zhu, Ziyang Lou*, Nanwe Zhu, Lili Feng. The identification and health risk assessment of odor emissions from waste landfilling and composting. Science of the Total Environment. 649(1),2019, 1038-1044

34.   Wang Panli, Mohammed Danish, Zhou Pin, Lou Ziyang*, Qian Pansheng, Zhou quanfa*. Roof solar drying processes for sewage sludge within sandwich-like chamber bed. Renewable Energy. 136, 2019, 1071-1081

35.   Hui Wang, Yanwen Shen, Ziyang Lou*, Nanwen Zhu, Haiping Yuan, Chunnan Liu. Hydroxyl radicals and reactive chlorine species generation via E+-ozonation process and their contribution for concentrated leachate disposal. Chemical Engineering Journal.  360, 2019, 721-727

36.   Houmin Yin, Jing Hu, Zhihang Yuan, Nanwen Zhu, Haiping Yuan, Yanwen Shen, Ziyang Lou*. Enhancing the sludge-based carbon quality via site-occupied and decomposed process. Journal of Cleaner Production. 233, 2019, 76-83

37.   Chenxu Wen, Hui Wang, Luochun Wang*, Ziyang Lou*, Zhiyi Sun, Zhen Zhou. The reduction of waste lubricant oil distillate through the enhancement of organics degradation by ozonation with elevated temperature and stable pH for the zero discharge. Journal of Cleaner Production. 240, 2019, 118194

38.   Jing Hu, Mohammed Danish, Ziyang Lou*, Pin Zhou, Pansheng Qian. Effectiveness of wind turbine blades waste combined with the sewage sludge for enriched Carbon preparation through the co-pyrolysis processes. Journal of Cleaner Production. 174, 2018, 780-787

39.   Changkai Yin, Sen Yu, Bairui An, Ziyang Lou*, Shouqiang Huang, Haiping Yuan, Nanwen Zhu. Fluorine recovery from etching wastewater through CaF2-based near-infrared photocatalyst synthesis. Journal of Cleaner Production. 175, 2018, 267-275

40.   Xinmei Tian, Siyuan Huang, Luochun Wang*, Lin Li, Ziyang Lou*, Shouqiang Huang, Zhen Zhou. Mitigation of low methane content landfill gas through visible-near-infrared photocatalysis over Y2O3:Er3+/Graphene/TiO2.Applied Surface Science. 456,2018, 854-860

41.   Bofeng Cai#, Ziyang Lou#, Jinnan Wang*, Yong Geng*, Joseph Sarkis, Jianguo Liu, Qingxian GaO. CH4mitigation potentials from China landfills and related environmental co-benefits. Science Advances. 4: eaar8400, 2018, 1-8


1. Palocz-Andresen M., Szalay D., Lou Z., et al. Klimafitte Landwirtschaft Herausforderungen im Kontext des globalen Wandels. LŐVÉR-PRINT Nyomdaipari Kft., Sopron (Ungarn), ISBN:978-615-01-1943-4, 2021

2.  Zhao Youcai, Lou Ziyang. Pollution Control and Resource Recovery, Municipal Solid Wastes at Landfill (1stEdition), Butterworth-Heinemann (Elsevier), ISBN:9780128118672, 2017R.

3. Maletz, Christina Dornack, Lou Ziyang. Source Separation and Recycling, Implementation and Benefits for a Circular Economy. Hdb Env Chem, Springer, ISBN: 978-3-319-69071-1, 2018.

4.  蔡博峰, 楼紫阳, 刘建国, 陈思勤. 垃圾填埋场甲烷排放和协同减排.中国环境集团出版社, ISBN:9787511140692, 2019

5.   楼紫阳, 唐红侠, 王罗春等编著, 危险废物控制原理, 化学工业出版社, ISBN:978-7-122-41805-0, 2022

6.   王辉,楼紫阳,牛静等. 垃圾渗滤液深度处理关键技术. 化学工业出版社, 2023.( “十四五”时期国家重点出版物专项出版规则项目)



研究成果以第一/通讯作者在Science Advances、Fundamental research, EST, WR等期刊发表科技论文100余篇,发明技术专利授权40余项;先后完成著作4部(包括Elsevier 和Springer出版英文著作各1部)、编著教材1部。主持国家重点专项项目1项、UNEP-NSFC国家自然基金联合重点基金1项、国家自然科学基金面上/青年项目/中德科学中心6项、上海市科委重点项目、航天员训练中心资助项目十余项;获教育部青年长江、德国洪堡基金会、上海市科委“青年科技启明星计划(A类)、上海市教委和上海市教育发展基金会“晨光计划”等人才计划支持。

